Set up Apple Card Family and add a co-owner and participants

Learn how to share Apple Card with trusted members of your Family Sharing group. You can even co-own the account with one other person.

About Apple Card Family

Apple Card Family1 lets you co-own your Apple Card account with one member of your Family Sharing group. You can share your credit line with a co-owner2 and build credit together as equals3. You can even invite another Apple Card owner to combine credit limits4 with you and form one co-owned account. You can also share your Apple Card with members of your Family Sharing group, including teens and adults. Everyone on the shared account can use Apple Card and view their spending. Account owners and co-owners can see a participant's5 activity, set transaction limits, and more. And there's a single monthly bill.

Six people — including you — can be on a shared Apple Card account. You can invite up to five members of your Family Sharing group to join and one of those five can be an account co-owner. Participants must be 13 years or older and account co-owners must be 18 years or older.

What account owners and co-owners can do on a shared Apple Card

  • They share full responsibility for the account balance and all payments, even if one account co-owner does not pay.

  • They can build credit together equally, which means that account owners and co-owners are each reported in their own name. Credit reporting includes positive and negative payment history, credit utilization, and additional information. Card usage and payment history might impact each account co-owners credit score differently because each individual's credit history will include information that's unique to them.

  • They can get unlimited Daily Cash6 back on their own transactions.

  • They can add or remove participants and order a titanium Apple Card for participants who are under 18 years old.

  • They can view participant activity and account co-owner activity.

  • They can set transaction limits7 for participants, lock a participant's ability to spend, and receive notifications on participants spending.

  • They can request a credit limit increase.

  • They can close the shared Apple Card account at any time, but are still responsible for paying any remaining balance.8

What participants can do on a shared Apple Card

  • They can view their own transactions and information.

  • They're not responsible for payments.

  • They can spend up to the credit limit on the account but might have an optional transaction limit set by an account owner or co-owner.

  • They can immediately use their shared Apple Card and get unlimited Daily Cash on all of their own transactions.

  • If they're 18 years or older, they can order their own titanium Apple Card.

  • If they're 18 years or older, they can opt in to build their credit and be reported as an authorized user on the account.

If a participant is 18 years or older and doesn't want to be part of Apple Card Family, they can apply for their own Apple Card account.9 If their application is approved and they accept their Apple Card offer, they get their own account and are removed from the shared Apple Card account.

Information about credit reporting

It's important for everyone on an Apple Card Family account to understand how credit reporting can impact their credit file. Information about the Apple Card Family account, such as payment history and credit utilization, is reported to credit bureaus and shown in credit bureau reports for account owners and co-owners. This information might also be shown in credit bureau reports for a participant if they're being reported on the Apple Card Family account as an authorized user. Being credit reported can assist with building credit history for account co-owners and participants. Generally, accounts that have been established for a while, show consistent on-time payments, and have low balances (e.g. below 30% of the total credit limit), might result in a more positive credit impact.


Invite an Apple Card Family participant or account co-owner

  1. Open the Wallet app and tap your Apple Card.

  2. Tap the More buttonthe more icon, then tap Account Detailsthe card details icon.

  3. Under Apple Card Family, tap Add User, then tap Continue.

  4. Select a member of your Family Sharing group. To invite someone to join your Family Sharing group, tap Invite Someone.

  5. To invite an account co-owner, tap Become Co-Owners. To invite a participant, tap Add as Participant.

  6. Follow the instructions on your screen to provide the requested information.

  7. Tap Send Invitation, then authenticate with your passcode.

On your iPad, open the Settings app > Wallet & Apple Pay > Apple Card > Info tab. Then follow these steps:

  1. Under Apple Card Family, tap Add User, then tap Continue.

  2. Select a member of your Family Sharing group. To invite someone to join your Family Sharing group, tap Invite Someone.

  3. To invite an account co-owner, tap Become Co-Owners. To invite a participant, tap Add as Participant.

  4. Follow the instructions on your screen to provide the requested information.

  5. Tap Send Invitation, then authenticate with your passcode.

If you invite a participant who is under 18 years old, set up Apple Cash Family so that they can use their Daily Cash with Apple Cash.10

If you want to set up Apple Card Family with someone who already has an Apple Card, contact an Apple Card Specialist at Goldman Sachs.

Accept an Apple Card invitation

  1. On your iPhone, tap the invite notification or open the Wallet app, then tap the badge notificationbadge notification in the upper-right corner.

  2. Tap Continue.

  3. If you're a participant, tap Accept Apple Card. If you're an account co-owner, follow the instructions on your screen to complete your Apple Card application. This includes a credit check.

On your iPad, tap the invite notification or open the Settings app > Wallet & Apple Pay. Under Pending Invitations, tap Apple Card to accept the invite.

To become an account co-owner, your application must be approved and you must accept your Apple Card offer.

  1. Apple Card Family Participants and Co-Owners do not need to have a familial relationship but must be part of the same Apple Family Sharing group.

  2. Each Co-Owner is individually liable for all balances on the Co-Owned Apple Card, including amounts due on your Co-Owner's account before the accounts merged. Each Co-Owner will be reported to credit bureaus as an owner on the account. In addition, Co-Owners will have full visibility into all account activity and each Co-Owner is responsible for the other Co-Owner’s instructions or requests. Co-Ownership involves risk, including payment history and other information about your Apple Card, ncluding negative items like missed payments. Addition of new Co-Owner or merging existing accounts is subject to credit approval and general eligibility requirements. For Apple Card eligibility requirements, click here. Either Co-Owner can close the account at any time, which may negatively impact your credit, and you will still be responsible for paying all balances on the account. For details on account-sharing options, including some of the risks and benefits, click here.

  3. Building credit “equally” means that the payment history and other information about your Apple Card, will be reported to credit bureaus for each Co-Owner. Each Co-Owner is individually liable for all balances on the Co-Owned Apple Card and each will be reported to credit bureaus as an owner on the account. Credit reporting includes payment history and other information about your Apple Card, including negative items like missed payments. Card usage and payment history may impact each Co-Owner's credit score differently, because each individual’s credit history will include information that is unique to them. Either Co-Owner can close the account at any time, but you will still be responsible for paying all balances on the account. For details on account-sharing options, including some of the risks and benefits, click here.

  4. Credit limits can only be combined when an existing Apple Card customer requests to share and merge their account with another existing Apple Card customer. Merging accounts is subject to credit approval and general eligibility requirements.

  5. If you are a Participant, you are able to spend on the account but are not responsible for payments. Being a Participant who is reported to the credit bureaus on an account that has a negative payment history (e.g. the account goes past due) or is overutilized can have negative effects on your credit. The account owner remains responsible for all purchases made by a Participant. For more details including some risks and benefits of being a Participant, click here.

  6. An Apple Cash card is required. Participants under 18 on Apple Card Family accounts must have the family organizer of their Apple Cash Family set up their own Apple Cash card. If you do not have an Apple Cash account, Daily Cash can be applied as a credit on account Owner’s statement balance by contacting Goldman Sachs Bank USA. The Apple Cash card is issued by Green Dot Bank, Member FDIC.

  7. Owners can set transaction limits at any time for Participants through the Wallet app, but this does not limit a Participant’s ability to spend up to the available credit limit on the account. Participant cards can also be locked to pause spending at any time through the Wallet app.

  8. When an account is closed, account co-owners and participants can't make new transactions, but account owners and co-owners will remain on the account until it is paid in full.

  9. All applicants are subject to credit approval. Individual applicants must have an independent ability to make the required minimum periodic payments for an Apple Card.

  10. Apple Cash services are provided by Green Dot Bank, Member FDIC. Apple Payments Services LLC, a subsidiary of Apple Inc., is a service provider of Green Dot Bank for Apple Cash accounts. Neither Apple Inc. nor Apple Payments Services LLC is a bank. Learn more about the Terms and Conditions . Only available in the U.S. on eligible devices. To send and receive money with an Apple Cash account, you must be 18 and a U.S. resident. If you’re under 18, your family organizer can set up Apple Cash for you as part of their Apple Cash Family account, but you may not be able to access features that require a supported payment card. Security checks may require more time to make funds available. Apple Cash Family accounts can only send or receive up to $2000 within a rolling seven-day period. Tap to Cash transactions can only be used to sendor receive up to $2000 within a rolling seven-day period. Other limits apply, see Terms and Conditions for details. To access and use all Apple Cash features, you must have an eligible device with Wallet that has the latest version of iOS.

To access and use all Apple Card features and products available only to Apple Card users, you must add Apple Card to Wallet on an iPhone or iPad that supports and has the latest version of iOS or iPadOS. Apple Card is subject to credit approval, available only for qualifying applicants in the United States, and issued by Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Salt Lake City Branch.

If you reside in the U.S. territories, please call Goldman Sachs at 877-255-5923 with questions about Apple Card.

Apple Pay is a service provided by certain Apple affiliates, as designated by the Apple Pay privacy notice. Neither Apple Inc. nor its affiliates are a bank. Any card used in Apple Pay is offered by the card issuer.

Information about products not manufactured by Apple, or independent websites not controlled or tested by Apple, is provided without recommendation or endorsement. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of third-party websites or products. Apple makes no representations regarding third-party website accuracy or reliability. Contact the vendor for additional information.

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