Apple Account Support

Your Apple Account, formerly Apple ID, gives you access to all Apple services and makes all of your devices work together seamlessly.

Forgot your password?

Here’s how to reset your Apple Account password and regain access to your account.

Access a locked account

Learn how to request access if your account is locked, inactive, or disabled.

Can’t create an account?

If you’re having trouble creating an account, you might already have one. Here are a few ways to access it.

Update account details

Sign in to review or update important information like your name, password, and security details.

Protect your account

Keep your account secure

Here are some best practices to help maximize the security of your account and personal information.

Avoid phishing

Learn how to avoid phishing and other scams, and find out what to do if you receive suspicious emails, calls, or messages.

Set up an account recovery contact

An account recovery contact can help make sure that you always have access to your account, even if you forgot your Apple Account password or device passcode.